Embarking on a journey of shared interests and collaborative pursuits, APDOQ warmly welcomes individuals to join our vibrant community as valued members. Membership with us opens doors to a diverse and dynamic network, providing opportunities for professional growth, knowledge exchange, and meaningful connections.
All members must fill in the membership form and pay the annual subscription fee of $100 to join the association formally.

Membership Rules
All doctors from Pakistani origin living in Queensland, who will regularly subscribe to the annual dues of the association and will participate in its activities. Only active members will have the right to vote.
Non-paid members are not eligible to vote or attend events; however, they are still welcome to be a part of our WhatsApp community
A member must comply with the rules and regulations of the Association. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, race or ethnic origin in the membership of the association. The council members have the right to terminate or reject memberships if any member is deemed working against the interests of the association or anything unlawful.
Any member losing his/her membership has a right of appeal against the decision. A written appeal must be forwarded to the president of the association within two weeks for consideration of the council members.
Any income of the association must be used for the benefit and upgrading of the association. All money must be deposited into the association’s bank account.
APDOQ Elections
Elections are a cornerstone of our collective decision-making, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and respected. It is an exciting and crucial period, where candidates share their visions, and members engage in thoughtful deliberations to choose APDOQ office bearers who will navigate our association toward continued success.
Election rules
- Elections will be conducted by a secret ballot someone will be nominated to function as an election commissioner.
- A minimum of three nominations will be required for each post and shall be submitted a month in advance of the elections.
- The results of the elections will be decided by a simple majority.
- The nominated auditors for the association will function as the election commissioners and will provide the results to the president/chairperson and the secretary who will later announce them to the members.
Office Bearers
Elected office bearers will work collaboratively to ensure the smooth functioning and efficiency of APDOQ.
Duties of The President / Chairperson to chair AGM / all meetings of the council.
- to serve as the official spokesperson of the association.
- to deliver an annual address.
- to supervise all activities related to the association.
- to interact with the members of the council and in general in taking all decisions aimed at the benefit of the association.
- must keep the common seal of the incorporated association and look after it must prevent the misuse of the seal.
- to keep the database of all members.
- will have access to the cheque book and must provide the details of all monies spent to the treasurer.
The Vice President of APDOQ plays a pivotal role, supporting the President in overseeing and coordinating APDOQ activities, contributing to decision-making processes, and assuming leadership responsibilities in the President’s absence, ensuring the effective functioning and success of the association.
- to supervise and maintain preparation of a permanent record of all the official minutes of the council meetings (AGM) and to consult with other members of the council in order to verify accuracy of the minutes of the meetings.
- to serve as the official spokesperson of the association.
- to supervise all arrangements for the holding of each meeting in compliance of the constitution, regulations and advice from the council.
- to send out all official notices of the meetings, council appointments and elections.
- to notify members about dues, dues reminders etc.
- to communicate to the members about AGM and other proposed changes and dissolution if required.
The treasurer shall be the custodian of all invested funds such as memberships dues, sponsorships etc. They shall be accountable, through the council.
- to conduct all financial affairs of the association.
- to collect all annual membership dues, donations and such monies shall be due to the association.
- to make available for audit all records and transactions of the association to the nominated auditors one month before the AGM.
- to present an annual financial report at the AGM.
- to present a budget at the AGM.
- to render a report to the council reviewing association funds and imparting recommendations for advancement for the association’s interest in each meeting of the council.
- to keep the books, documents and securities of the association.
- will have access to the cheque book and must provide the details of all monies spent to the treasurer.
- to have access to the cheque book and is responsible for paying all dues of the association.
Executive Committee Members of APDOQ are entrusted with the responsibility of actively participating in strategic planning, decision-making, and overseeing key initiatives, contributing their expertise to foster APDOQ goals, and collaborating closely with fellow committee members to ensure the overall success and advancement of the association.
The secretary of the association is responsible for calling a meeting when advised by the president or when majority of the members of the council call for one. The council members must hold a meeting at least once every three months. (there is no limit on the number of meetings held by the council members)
The Council will comprise of the current officers and the past three presidents of the association. All matters relating to the assets, finances, CME, AGM, donations, publications, web sites will be decided by the council. They must have a 2-3rd majority for all the decisions they may take, at least sixty per cent of the council members must be present to make the meeting legitimate.
Constitution Amendments
The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the active members at any ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Members must be informed of the proposed changes by the secretary of the association, at least thirty days prior to the voting. At least two-third members of the association must take part in the voting.
No proposal of dissolution of the Association of Pakistani Doctors in Queensland shall be considered unless recommended by a two-thirds majority of the council. The secretary will communicate to the members at least thirty days notice in writing. After dissolution, the president and the secretary of the association shall be responsible to dispose of all assets belonging to the association by selling it and nominating the monies to various charities.